
The street food

The street food 

Street food is ready-to-eat food or drink sold by a hawker, or vendor, in a street or other public place, such as at a market or fair. It is often sold from a portable food booth, food cart, or food truck and meant for immediate consumption. 
According to a 2007 study from the Food and Agriculture Organization, 2.5 billion people eat street food every day.
Street food in Thailand offers various selection of ready-to-eat meals, snacks, fruits and drinks sold by hawkers or vendors at food stalls or food carts on the street side. Bangkok is often mentioned as one of the best places for street food.
Videos for street food : Street food , Indian Street food

Indonesian street food is a diverse mix of local Indonesian, Chinese, and Dutch influences.

Indian street food is as diverse as Indian cuisine. Every place has its own specialties to offer. 
In Hawaii, the local street food tradition of "plate lunch" (rice, macaroni salad, and a portion of meat) was inspired by the bento of the Japanese who had been brought to Hawaii as plantation workers.[39] In Denmark, sausage wagons allow passersby to purchase sausages and hot dogs.
In Egypt, a food sold commonly on the street is ful, a slow-cooked fava bean dish.[40]
Mexican street food is known as "antojitos" (translated as "little cravings") which include several varieties of tacos, such as tacos al pastor, huaraches and other maize based foods.


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